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Pau hana Surf Supply, LLC.

Carbon Emissions Report


Carbon Footprint Summary

This is a summary of the carbon emissions associated with Pau Hana Surf Supply's facilities.

Emissions Data

Category Your Business % of Total Similar Businesses You vs Similar Intensity
Vehicle Fleet 4 14% 0 Infinity%
Air Travel 4 14% 0 Infinity%
Public Transit 0 0% 0 -
Total Transportation 8 28% 13 62%
Electricity 11 38% 76 14%
Natural Gas 0 0% 10 0%
Heating Oil 0 0% 1 0%
Waste 0.6 2.1% 5.6 11%
Construction 9 31% 9 100%
Total Facilities 21 72% 107 21%
Total Procurement 0.0 0% 0 -
Total Footprint 29 115 21%
Footprint per Employee 6 23 26%
Footprint per $Million 14500000 57500000 25%
Footprint per 1000 sq.ft. 3 12 25%


Total Carbon Footprint: The business generated a total of 29 metric tons of CO₂, significantly lower than similar businesses, which averaged 115 metric tons. Pau Hana Surf Supply operates at 21% of the carbon intensity of comparable organizations.

Key Breakdown

1. Transportation (28% of total emissions)

  • Vehicle Fleet and Air Travel each account for 14%
  • Total transportation emissions are 8 metric tons, which is 62% of the intensity of similar businesses

2. Facilities (72% of total emissions)

  • Electricity is the largest single contributor at 38% (11 metric tons)
  • Construction contributes 31% (9 metric tons)
  • Zero emissions from Natural Gas and Heating Oil

3. Procurement

  • No emissions reported in this category

Efficiency Metrics

  • Per Employee: 6 tons of CO₂ (26% of industry average)
  • Per $1 Million Revenue: 14.5 metric tons (25% of industry average)
  • Per 1,000 sq. ft.: 3 metric tons (25% of industry average)