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Pau hana Surf Supply, LLC.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Guidelines

Pau Hana Surf Supply has been a proud part of the paddle community for many years. Our mission is to provide paddlers with high-quality and innovative products that are suitable for any conditions and all environments on the water. We want all people, regardless of who they are, where they live, or what they do, to find joy in paddlesports like we do.

We are committed to taking steps towards educating ourselves on topics such as cultural appropriation, inclusivity, and diversity. At Pau Hana, we believe that acts of cultural appropriation, such as the inappropriate use of designs or words/names that are culturally relevant to and/or originate from Black, Indigenous, and other marginalized communities, can reinforce stereotypes, increase inequality, and make people feel unwelcome in the outdoor community.

Therefore, we will not engage in cultural appropriation of Native, Indigenous, or other underrepresented communities in our product copy and marketing.

Educational Resources

Cultural Appropriation Resources

Inclusive Copy Resources

  • Inclusivity Style Guides

    Inclusivity style guides provide guidance on how to better understand and communicate about diverse topics and terms.

  • Inclusive Language Decoders

    Inclusive language decoders can help identify exclusive or offensive language in your writing. Paste your text into the tool and see if it recommends any changes.

Industry Leadership Resources

Pau Hana Surf Supply, LLC. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Guidelines

Version 1.0