Pau hana Surf Supply, LLC.
PSA Product Sustainability & Attributes Targets & Goals
Pau Hana Surf Supply, as a dedicated stand-up paddleboard and water sports equipment company, is committed to sustainability and has established various policies and targets related to their preferred sustainability attributes. Some of these include:
1. Climate Action:
- Target: Achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2030.
- Policy: Invest in renewable energy and energy efficiency initiatives for production facilities.
2. Sustainable Materials:
- Target: Utilize 100% sustainable or recycled materials in Pau Hana-brand products by 2030.
- Policy: Prioritize sourcing materials with certified environmental and social standards (e.g., ECOBOARD Project, FSC®).
3. Waste Reduction:
- Target: Achieve zero-waste-to-landfill status in Pau Hana operations by 2030.
- Policy: Implement a comprehensive recycling and upcycling program for production waste.
4. Water Conservation:
- Target: Reduce water usage in Pau Hana facilities by 25% by 2027.
- Policy: Invest in water-efficient technologies and practices in production and office facilities.
5. Fair Labor Practices:
- Target: Ensure 100% of Pau Hana's supply chain meets fair labor standards by 2030.
- Policy: Require all suppliers to adhere to Pau Hana's Social Compliance and Labor Standards.
6. Animal Welfare:
- Target: Source 100% cruelty-free materials for Pau Hana products by 2025.
- Policy: Support responsible sourcing practices and prohibit the use of materials from endangered species.
7. Inclusivity and Diversity:
- Target: Increase underrepresented groups in Pau Hana's workforce by 50% by 2025.
- Policy: Implement hiring and training programs that foster diversity, equity, and inclusion.
8. Community Engagement:
- Target: Invest in water sports education and environmental stewardship initiatives with partnerships and joint development efforts.
- Policy: Partner with organizations to improve access to water sports and support the protection of water ecosystems. These policies and targets demonstrate Pau Hana Surf Supply's ongoing commitment to sustainability, environmental responsibility, and social equity.
Pau Hana Surf Supply, LLC. PSA Product Sustainability and Attributes Targets and Goals
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