Paddleboarding and Photography: Tips for Capturing Stunning Photos from the Water

rule of thirds on a camera screen

Paddleboarding and Photography:

Tips for Capturing Stunning Photos from the Water

By Jennifer Chrimes

The combination of paddleboarding and photography can offer a unique perspective and serves stunning visuals that are hard to capture from land. It can be a rewarding experience, but it also holds its own set of challenges. Here we will walk you through a guide on the equipment you’ll need, techniques for capturing great shots and we’ll dive into some tips on the best editing software to use to enhance your photos. 

a man on a paddleboard taking photos with a tripod

Equipment for Paddleboarding Photography

1. Paddleboard and Accessories

  • Stable Paddleboard: We suggest choosing a stable paddleboard, such as the Big EZ Air, or Big EZ VFT models. Stability is important for maintaining balance while taking photos to avoid falling or blurry images.
  • Paddle: A lightweight paddle with adjustable length will make it easier to maneuver and position yourself for the perfect shot. You’ll also want to consider investing in a paddle clip so you can secure your paddle to the board while you have both hands on the camera.
  • Dry Bag: Keep your gear dry and safe. A waterproof dry bag is essential for protecting your equipment from water damage. We recommend using a Watershed Drybag or a Pelicase for storing your camera, not only do they make a camera specific storage options but they are bomb proof too. 

2. Camera Gear

  • Waterproof Camera: Invest in a high-quality waterproof camera. Action cameras like the GoPro HERO series are popular choices due to their durability and excellent image quality, however they act as a simple point and shoot and lack some of the more in-depth features for tweaking the settings like a regular camera.
  • DSLR or Mirrorless Camera with Waterproof Housing: For more advanced photography, use a DSLR or mirrorless camera with a waterproof housing. Brands like Canon, Nikon, and Sony offer housing solutions that allow you to take professional-grade photos.
  • Floating Strap: Attach a floating strap to your camera to prevent it from sinking if it falls into the water.
  • Tripod or Mount: A small, flexible tripod or gimbal mount can help stabilize your camera while taking photos on the paddleboard, making it easier to capture steady shots.
two children setting up a tripod for a camera on a beach

3. Additional Gear

  • Polarizing Filter: A polarizing filter reduces glare from the water allowing you to see into the water and it enhances the colors in your photos.
  • Lens Cleaning Kit: Keep your lenses clean from water spots and smudges by using water repellant products such as Rain-X that cause the water to beed off instead of clinging to the glass. You can also keep a clean microfibre cloth in your camera dry case to use to wipe the lens before taking a photo.

Techniques for Capturing Great Shots

1. Composition and Angles

  • Rule of Thirds: Use the rule of thirds to create balanced and engaging compositions. Imagine a grid on your image and place your subject along these lines or at their intersections.
  • Low Angles: Shoot from a low angle close to the water to create dramatic and immersive shots.
  • Reflections: Utilize the water’s reflective surface to create symmetrical and visually appealing images.
Rule of thirds on a camera lens

2. Lighting

  • Golden Hour: Shoot during the golden hour (shortly after sunrise or before sunset) for soft, warm light that enhances the beauty of your photos.
  • Avoid Midday Sun: The harsh light of midday can create unflattering shadows and overexposure. If you must shoot during this time, use a polarizing filter to manage the reflections and glare.
two paddleboarders paddling into the sunset

3. Stability and Focus

  • Maintain Stability: Bringing the paddle board to a stop and kneeling or sitting on your paddleboard can provide additional stability. Try sitting on the board with a leg either side, your legs dangling in the water will act like stabilising fins.
  • Consider Using Burst Mode: Burst mode can be used to capture a series of shots in quick succession, increasing the chances of getting the perfect shot.
  • Focus: If your camera is a manual SLR, manually focus your lens using the lens ring to ensure your subject is sharp, and adapt the aperture to match the lighting conditions. If you are using an automatic camera, press the shutter button half way and allow the camera to auto focus before pressing the button the whole way down. 

4. Action Shots

  • Freeze Motion: Use a fast shutter speed to freeze action shots, whether it’s a splash of water or a paddler in motion.
  • Panoramic Shots: Capture wide, panoramic shots to showcase the expansive beauty of the water and surrounding landscape.

Editing Software

1. Adobe Lightroom

  • Organize and Edit: Adobe Lightroom is a powerful tool for organizing and editing your photos. Use its extensive range of adjustments to enhance colors, correct exposure, and fine-tune details. You can also organise your images within Lightroom by giving them star ratings and using folders to organise content.
  • Presets: Apply presets to quickly achieve a consistent look across your photos.

2. Adobe Photoshop

  • Advanced Editing: Adobe Photoshop offers advanced editing capabilities for more detailed adjustments and creative effects. Use it for tasks like removing unwanted objects, layering images, and applying complex filters.

3. Snapseed

  • Mobile Editing: Snapseed is a free mobile app with a wide range of editing tools. It’s ideal for quick edits on the go, allowing you to enhance your photos directly from your smartphone.


  • Filters and Adjustments: VSCO offers a variety of filters and adjustment tools to give your photos a professional finish. It’s particularly popular for its film-like presets.

5. Affinity Photo

  • Alternative to Photoshop: Affinity Photo is a powerful alternative to Photoshop with many similar features at a lower cost. It’s suitable for both basic and advanced photo editing.

The Takeaway

Combining paddleboarding and photography can lead to truly unique images that capture the essence of being on the water. With the right equipment, techniques, and editing tools, you can take your paddleboarding photography to the next level. Remember to practice safety and always be mindful of your surroundings to protect both yourself and your gear. Happy paddling and shooting!


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