Why theres never been a better time to paddle board

Why theres never been a better time to paddle board

Paddling through 2020

Why theres never been a better time to paddle board.

With the current uncertainty in the world that 2020 brought along with it we believe there has never been a better time to take up paddle boarding.

As the world tries to piece itself back together, countries easing up on strict lockdown enforcements and governments trying to get us back to a sense of normality, it is becoming more apparent that we may not be out of the woods just yet. A resurge of infection rates as people start to return to work and daily activities could see us back in strict lockdown, and we want to avoid that as much as possible. We all need to be responsible and keep in mind that social distancing may become the new norm. Hand washing will become more regular, keeping our physical distance from strangers might become more intuitive, covering our faces if we are sick may all become a normal part of our lives because if its not Covid-19 it will be the flu or another Corona virus or any one of the other diseases that circle through humans.

With this in mind it's time to adapt and change to the times that we are living in today so we can safeguard ourselves for the future. Watersports have always been our passion at Pau Hana and now we believe they are about to gain traction as people are looking for a safe way to get outside, be immersed in nature, exercise and have fun without the close contact with other people that so many other sports have. Paddle boarding is probably the most enjoyable way to keep your distance! Paddle board also boasts numerous health benefits, helping you stay active, reduce stress and create a deeper appreciation of your surroundings.

"Paddle boarding is probably the most enjoyable way to keep your distance"

Paddle boarding is accessible to almost anyone, you can be standing up paddling in your first outing which makes progression fast. There is such a wide range of paddle boards on the market these days you can find something suitable for any paddling ability and for any type of activity you want to engage in from yoga, through to fishing, multi day paddling or recreational flat water. With the growing amount of YouTubers and blogs dedicated to teaching you techniques and and offering advice on gear there’s an endless array of in-depth information.

Not to mention we are living in a modern time where materials that are used to manufacture equipment is of high quality and affordable. Hard boards can now be made of Vacuum Form Technology which can be recycled and inflatables can be made from more eco friendly TPU without compromising on durability.

Inflatable paddle boards are great for storage and transporting

Hard paddle boards require roof bars to transport

With so many options available there really has never been a better time to start, paddle boarding can be extremely fun, exciting and take you to places not accessible by foot. It is also a great way for the whole family to get out, stay healthy and explore. The benefit of an inflatable paddle board is that it pack away small so you don’t need to own a garage to keep one or any roof bars on your car to transport one, simply load the backpack on your back or throw it in the trunk of the car!

Hard paddle boards, such as epoxy or VFT constructions, can be stored in a board bag and are a great choice for those who live close to water or have the means of transporting their board such as a van or roof bars. As hard paddle boards are made from a solid material they do not require inflation and offer a solid platform which is great if you appreciate every ounce of power through your stroke.

Its probably a bit difficult to join SUP club right now, but that’s no excuse for not getting out there and giving it a go! You can find basic beginner technique and paddle stroke tutorial videos on YouTube and a range of other pro tips on our blog. If its your first time, we suggest taking a friend or family member with you to over see your performance and make sure you don’t get into any difficulty, plus when you master standing up first time there will be someone there you can share the stoke with!



Jen Chrimes is a marketing and design professional that has worked with the outdoor industry for over 9 years. She is also a professional kayaker and avid outdoor enthusiast who loves sharing her knowledge and passion through her work. You can find more about Jen and her work at jenchrimesdesign.com.

Jen Chrimes Professional White Water kayaker


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